6 Tips for managing incontinence when exercising

Living with incontinence comes with quite a few challenges. Exercise is one of them. Whether you’re in a yoga class, lifting weights at the gym, or just going running, urinary leakage can happen anywhere, at any time, to women of all ages. But there’s no need to let it stop you from getting the exercise you need.  

Why do I leak urine when exercising?

Incontinence while running or exercising is most commonly due to stress. Urinary leakage can also happen when laughing, sneezing, or simply standing up – basically, any type of activity that requires physical effort, even if it’s unintended. While it can happen to women of all ages, it’s most common after childbirth. Here are a few useful tips for how to manage urinary leakage during exercise and keep active. 
1. Strengthen your pelvic floor with Kegel exercises 
Kegel exercises, or pelvic floor exercises, are one of the most effective ways of improving and maintaining bowel and bladder functions. A weak pelvic floor can make you more susceptible to stress incontinence during exercise, but with as little as five minutes of Kegel exercises per day, you can significantly reduce incontinence. Check out our step-by-step guide here. Or better yet, download our pelvic floor fitness app.  
2. Watch what you drink 
While it is important to stay hydrated, especially when exercising, consider staying away from caffeinated drinks (e.g. coffee, soda, tea) before working out. Caffeine can cause urgency feelings and result in more frequent trips to the bathroom. 
3. Use a pessary or a tampon 
Using a tampon supports the urethra, which can help to prevent leaks from stress incontinence. A pessary, which is normally used by women with a pelvic organ prolapse to hold the prolapse in place, and to some extent intra-vaginal devices offering support to the urethra, can also relieve stress urinary incontinence. 
4. Protect yourself with incontinence pads or underwear 
It goes without saying that if you’re experiencing leaks, our discreet incontinence products will offer the best protection to prevent leaks and bad odor, while allowing you to toil away on the treadmill with confidence. 
5. Retrain your bladder 
Take charge of your bladder by not running to the bathroom every time you feel the urge to pee. Just like any muscle in your body, your bladder can be trained. Try to extend the time before bathroom visits, and slowly work up to longer stretches of time.  
6. Empty your bladder  
If you experience urinary leakage during exercise, you might try to build a habit of emptying your bladder before working out. Choosing food that is kind to your digestive system can also help you avoid embarrassing gas, and feel less bloated before training.  

Whatever you do, don’t stop exercising.

As you can see, there are many ways to manage your leaks while living an active lifestyle. By changing some of your habits and using our protective incontinence products, you can achieve the confidence to do what you want, and be who you are.